Top 10 benefits of air conditioning

We all know how amazing it feels to enter a climate-controlled building on a scorching hot day. The advantages of air conditioning don’t stop there. Let’s explore some of the air conditioning pros for your business.

Why is air conditioning good for you?

Having high-quality and professionally installed air conditioning in your commercial premises can help ensure a safe and efficient workspace and comfortable customer experience.

Let’s drill down deeper on the top ten air conditioning pros.

10 advantages of having air conditioning installed

  1. Legal considerations: According to the Health and Safety Executive, ‘Reg 6 of the Work Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations states that employers must ensure that every enclosed workspace is ventilated by a sufficient quantity of fresh or purified air.’ Satisfying this legal requirement is just one of many air conditioning pros for commercial premises.
  2. Climate control: Second on our list of top ten air conditioning pros is what air conditioning is best known for: controlling the ambient temperature. Having a stable and comfortable temperature year-round is a great benefit of air conditioning for your commercial property.
  3. Reduced humidity: Air conditioning units can also reduce the humidity in a building which not only makes it more comfortable, but also reduces risk of mould or bacteria growing on work surfaces, equipment, or products.
  4. Increased productivity: A stable temperature is not just more comfortable; it can increase the morale and productivity of your staff, which can in turn improve your bottom line.
  5. Protection of product and equipment: Electrical equipment can be adversely affected by heat and humidity. Air conditioning pros include protection of your equipment and electricals as well as protection of products. This has proven especially beneficial for our customers in the pharmaceutical and health care industries.
  6. Improved air quality: Air conditioning also functions as a filter for air-born particles including dust and pollens, which improves air quality and can reduce allergens for both staff and customers.
  7. Energy efficiency: An appropriately designed, installed, and properly maintained air conditioning system can reduce energy costs by efficiently cooling the space. At Setpoint22 our qualified and experienced engineers and technicians ensure the right air conditioning system for your business needs, space, and budget.
  8. Security: An added benefit of air conditioning is the security of the building, as doors and windows don’t need to be left open for ventilation and cooling.
  9. Customer comfort and satisfaction: When potential or returning customers are in your commercial premises, air conditioning can ensure a comfortable and pleasing experience.
  10. Peace of mind: Knowing that your staff, products, equipment, and customers are in a stable, comfortable, and safe environment can bring peace of mind to a business owner. That leaves you free to focus on what you do best – creating quality products and services.

Is air conditioning a good idea?

Considering these air conditioning pros, is air conditioning a good idea? Absolutely.

Installing air conditioning in your commercial premises can elevate the comfort, morale, and productivity of your team, improve your customer enjoyment, and help preserve the quality of your equipment and products.

Contact the friendly and professional team at Setpoint22 today to start enjoying the benefits of air conditioning in your business.